Preventative Care

* No We Are Not a Supplement Store! *

We provide a variety of preventative care & rejuvenation services, traditional indigenous medicine, and wellness modalities.

Self-care Lab

Private Education Events

Testimonials Of Indigenous Medicine





Herbal and Mineral Archive

We have simple useful tools for producing natural remedies, and a collection of substances for wellness, empowerment and beauty. Our collection provides basics for simple herbal remedies to powerful rejuvenatives: Simple foods that are highly medicinal. Rare, exotic and uniquely potent substances – all examples of traditional rejuvenation secrets. Spices and Herbs that have been used for millennia to strengthen digestion and brilliance. Expertise in traditional healing methods of India, China, Tibet, Europe and the Middle East

For Collaboration And Guidance In Creating Custom Programs And Remedies.


Vitality is the natural result of the body and identity harmoniously responding to the quality of each day.  We utilize several traditional wellness modalities, many which are rare to find.  We make the education and support available that can make a difference to realizing the innate trust that exists in our bodies ability to restore radiant and abundant health. 


Rejuvenation Science offers a broad array of services which are designed to impart habits in body speech and mind that radiate  confidence and beauty.  Skillsets that give a toolkit for life long develpment of harmony with Nature, inside and out.


Our goal is to gently hold you accountable to improve and maintain your overall health and to empower you with an understanding of conditions and wellness plans that respond to those conditions based on your genetic disposition and the cycles of nature.  We encourage activities and group work that stimulate intimacy trust and authentic trust in oneself and others.

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The care you deserve.

Please send us a message.  Emails may take a while to respond to.  Please text us for best correspondence or call us for an appointment.

Rejuvenation Science


Monday – Saturday: 10:00am – 7:00pm